Ayurveda taught at the medical faculty of Lausanne

First lecture on Ayurveda medicine in the offical syllabus of undergraduate medical students in the West.

In 2012 the medical faculty of Lausanne and the University Hospital Centre Vaud have created the Unite for Research and Education in CAM, which thanks to a strong political support has become the leading CAM unite in the country.

According to the new article in the Swiss constitution, CAM has to be integrated in the various fields of the public health system, also professional training.

Under the auspices of the Lausanne CAM unite, regular lectures are being given in selected CAM disciplines amongst which Ayurveda.

In May 2012 Dr Simone Hunziker has been invited to give the first introductory lectures on Ayurveda medicine to 3rd year medical students at Lausanne medical faculty. The students showed genuine interest and offered a warm welcome to Ayurveda with a long ovation after this historical first lecture.